Consultation in Fertility in Paris

I specialize in helping support couples after failed attempts at IVF or in preparation to IVF (and in parallel) to improve chances of having a healthy baby.

Besides  macronutrition, I advise couples struggling with infertility in micronutrition (or food supplements) when necessary. Food supplements can be useful in instances of preparation for IVF or conception for a short period of time in cases of depletion and to help assure the quality of production of gametes , spermatozoids and ovocytes, prior to conception in most infertile couples.

I work with superfoods such as spirulina, maca, chlorella to complement the nutritional needs for a future life.

There is likely no other period in life as peri-conception where the construction of the foundation of a new life is laid down, that is so crucial to nourish the body well, as research has shown how vital this period of time is for the next generation and beyond. It takes 3 months to prepare for a pregnancy at least, and I guide couples along this journey whether they are not considering IVF or egg donation or have one through many failed attempts over years to uncover aspects that traditional medical approach seems to leave out. I work with IVF specialists in Paris and prepare patients for better outcomes, and work with paramedical healers such as acupuncturists with this specialty of focussing on guiding patients through a successful pregnancy.  

The importance of a good nutrition to increase the quality of the eggs (and sperm) cannot be overemphasized, and many fertility centers only focus on increasing the quantity of egg retrieval. They cannot  help with assuring a high quality egg. I give clients the tools, information adapted to them to increase their chances for success. It is not by rushing protocol after protocol without looking into the quality of the eggs that will lead to success.


It is also important to nourish the endocrine, hormonal organs like the thyroid which is needed for optimal functioning once pregnant. The thyroid health is intimately linked to the ovarian function. And proper nutrients and minerals such as selenium and iodine are necessary for the thyroid to function well, often also overlooked by fertility specialists. I ensure you are not missing any element prior to conception if you come early enough . Ideally a preparation should start 3 months before pregnancy to make sure all the crucial elements are stocked up in the body. 


Women in my practice who have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis or adenomyosis and fibroids are helped with nutritional counseling to help treat the conditions for which conventional medicine does not have much to offer and that still presents as a mystery to a lot of gynecologists. Reducing inflammatory foods have shown to be beneficial to reduce the pain associated with endometriosis and the problems around digestion for women affected by some of these conditions.


After Covid I have seen a lot of women with changes in their menstrual cycles see me in consultation and these changes are real and can be addressed. 


I also advise on IUD related hormonal changes, and finding the right contraceptive fit.  Not all women do equally well with all  hormonal contraceptive options. 

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